Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm on a baby kick...

For those of you that know me well, you know that I LOVE me some babies!!!! The are such precious bundles of blessings from our Lord. I could be easily persuaded to come and take shifts for most new parents. (There are a few obsessives that just might not make it with me...lol.) Anyway, I thought that for my blog today, I'd share some of our baby stuff-aside from Baby A since we just blogged some of hers. My babies here are the way I get my "fix"!

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hear any new suggestions or ideas for interesting/cool pictures or products any of you may want to suggest. You'll have to become a follower to do so on here, but I would appreciate it because all of those links help us get the word out. Also, you can "like" my FB page and do so there. THANKS...It's always nice to have help.  See ya tomorrow!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Parties, Parties, and More Parties!!!

Extra! Extra! Addi turned four yesterday! Slides, gumballs, and trampolines...what more could a girl want? We had a great time celebrating for Addi. It's just sad to see all of that candy and not be able to eat it:)! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of the fun. Here are just a few pictures to get you started!

Congrats Addi! Glad your day was so great!!!

Cupcakes galore!

Cullman Gym...great for parties


After a very long day


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Birthday! Elly turns 3!!

Birthday's are such incredible holidays! It's the only day JUST FOR YOU...of course, unless you have a twin or know a herd of others with the same birthday. But, you get the point!

My incredible daughter SO loves her birthday. She plans it forever, and (bless her heart) she has a December birthday. Many years ago, I set out to make sure she always felt special on her day. We have this tradition now where I wake her an hour early (since it often falls on a school day), sing happy birthday to her, take her something VERY chocolate-like, a mountain dew, and we have our own private party. It's SO fun, and she looks forward to it every year. We LOVE birthdays!

When I get invited to photograph a birthday party, I get excited because of that very reason. Life is short; however, there are always moments to celebrate. So thanks, Elly, for letting us help you remember your special day! Here are a few pics to get you started. Enjoy.

 Ecc. 3:1-4 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born... and a time to laugh... and a time to dance.

The main table

Candy Galore!

A most delicious surprise!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one!

Princess Rapunzel greeting the guests.

Loving her new bathing suit

table fun!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby A's first photo session

Daddy holding her

My new pettiromper with GiGi's pearls.

Beautiful generations

Mom and Baby A...super sweet

Baby sessions are always interesting. You have to block out a big chunk of time so that we can keep them happy, full, and fed. We were a little delirious by the time we finished, but we had the best time. We cannot wait to watch her grow over the next year. She'll go from "the two-week old who..." to the 3 month old who...etc. Yay...thanks so much for letting us be a part of your lives and help you creat and capture some amazing memories. 

Joining the rest of the world!

Although I have had a myspace and fb account, I have not always been a fan of blogging. I love to read them; however, I have just not joined the club! So I'm going to make that effort in order to share what we do with our passions...travel, being outdoors, and creating memories with the camera. So over the next few days I will try to figure all of this out and get it going. Happy Blogging!!